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6 days ago
__What is a “now page”?__


Most websites have a link that says “about”. It goes to a page that tells you something about the background of this person or business. For short, people j...


1 month ago

![My God it's full of Bananas: ban_1x79gion4aebgjiorw7eradu9minx6k396r4c1c6d1ge43jmo3kxa81wzxdc](

[Banano]( a Fee...


2 months ago
__Bitcoin, you’ve changed__

I know we’ve been fighting a lot. You’ve been keeping your small blocks while holding out for some sort of lighting network down the road, and I’ve been fighting...


2 months ago
# Acentos

Os acentos que fazem falta no meu Raspberry Pi

- ã á à â
- ç
- é ê
- í
- ó õ
- ú
- €


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